Studies Have Shown How Social Interaction in Seniors Leads to a Happy, Fulfilled Life

Assisted senior living offers many social opportunities.

As individuals age, they may lose their ability to get around, leaving them isolated at home. Their life partner and other close friends and relatives may pass away, leading to feelings of loneliness. Affordable senior living in Oklahoma City can give seniors new friends and ensure they can remain social throughout their later years. Social interactions in assisted senior living can help residents enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life, and studies are proving it.

A Long-Term Study

The Harvard Study of Adult Development is an ongoing study that began in 1938. Many of the study’s participants remained in the study throughout their lives, providing a clear picture of their life activities and their impact on their emotional and mental wellness. The study was designed to indicate what a joyful, meaningful life looks like. Harvard isn’t the only institution conducting studies like these. As many as seven other similar studies have occurred globally as people search for the meaning of life and happiness.

Why Social Interaction Is Vital

Affordable assisted living for seniors in OKC opens doors for numerous social interactions. Seniors can make friends and hang out with them in the community areas or join activities where they can meet like-minded seniors. Providing these social interactions allows seniors to reduce stress levels, vastly reducing risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems that can be exacerbated by stress. In fact, a study in Australia revealed that individuals over 70 years of age who maintained strong social networks were 22 percent less likely to pass away over a 10 year period.

What Does This Mean for Seniors?

Senior loneliness isn't an issue in affordable assisted living.
Affordable assisted living can help combat senior loneliness.

Emotional intelligence is a valuable asset to help seniors foster long-lasting relationships to maintain social interactions. This emotional intelligence improves with practice, allowing individuals to continue building relationships throughout their lives. In affordable senior living in Oklahoma City, seniors can develop strong bonds with other residents to create mutual support systems. They should also remain in contact with family members. 

How Loneliness Affects Seniors

Some studies have revealed that loneliness among seniors can be just as damaging to their health as other significant health risk factors. For instance, loneliness can increase the risk of dementia by almost 50 percent. While society has changed, making it more challenging for individuals, especially the elderly, to foster relationships and maintain social interactions, the human brain is still hardwired to require it. Assisted senior living is one way seniors can ensure they have plenty of social interactions in their later years, increasing their chances of living a happy, more fulfilling life.

If you want to learn more about how affordable assisted living in OKC can help seniors maintain social interactions and prevent loneliness, contact us. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision.

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